My journey into Tech

My journey into Tech

You can be and do whatever you want, as long as you're still able to wake up. #WomenWhoTech


2 min read

Hello everyone ๐Ÿ‘‹

There are always people who will try to discourage you and drag you down.

When i got into Technical Writing i had come from a Creative Writing background. As many of us who turn to Creative Writing it was a decision stemming from love and interest in Writing as well as Technology.

The Tech industry is male dominated, getting in i was told that i can't do a man's job. That i shouldn't change careers as i would regret it and that a woman's place is only in other industries. When you're truly eager for something that's when you are able to put in the work, the hours and everything else.

In a man's world, as a woman you have to fight for yourself. You have to put in the work twice as hard to get the recognition you deserve only to lose to your male counterparts. It got worse and i knew i had to save myself, no career is worth your sanity, ever! Truly the universe works in mysterious ways, there i was in a coffee shop browsing through my mails an email popped up. An organization that i had applied to a while ago reached out to me offering a Technical Writer position.

I took it! With goals and milestones i would love to reach as a woman in Tech i knew that i couldn't give up on the dream and that was the best decision that i ever made.

As of 2022, in the organization that I'm currently in I'm happy. No one has ever told me that women are too emotional or i don't belong here because it is a man's world.

If you're thinking of doing a switch in careers take it!

Thank you for reading up until here and please let me know how the article was for you. If you'd like to stalk me a little the links are on my profile. #WomenWhoTech
